Colorado Corn Council features IIC research

Three IIC-supported projects are featured in an article that was recently published in the ”research” focused Spring 2023 issue of the Colorado Corn Council’s Field Journal magazine:

  • The first featured project, supported with Colorado Corn Council funding, focused on a new remote sensing approach to improving irrigation scheduling involving the Water Irrigation Scheduler for Efficiency (WISE) tool.

  • Next, the article provides an update for a project focused on correctly estimating water pumping volumes using electrical run time and providing that info to irrigators and water districts to inform water use decisions and goals.

  • Finally, the article highlights a new effort that has mobilized a large team of researchers from across the High Plains to synthesize data generated through the Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program.

Read the full article and more details about these three IIC research projects via the link below.

Ashley Patterson